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Conversations & Interviews

The Artistic Legacy of Satyajit Ray

Did you know Satyajit Ray designed his own film posters? We collaborated with Devika Gupta, a graphic designer, to discuss Satyajit Ray's lesser known artistic legacy - design, typography, film posters, the resemblance of his style to other artistic schools across the globe, and the influence his work has had on the design industry in India. Watch the session here.


How are mining and herding livelihoods interconnected in Mongolia?

Why are nomadic herders not recognised as indigenous people in Mongolia? What is the difference between formal, informal, and artisanal mining? We had a conversation with Dr. Ariell Ahearn, Departmental Lecturer in Human Geography at the School of Geography & the Environment, University of Oxford, about informal mining, nomadic pastoralism, and the politics of livelihoods in Mongolia. Watch the video here and read the interview here!

Sports, Work, Bodies, Play: Sevens Football in Kerala

How does access to public spaces give you access to playing sports? Can sports players also be considered as workers? We interviewed Dr. Veena Mani, Assistant Professor, Stella Maris College for Women, Chennai, on the history, politics, and culture of sevens football in Kerala, which you can watch here. We also had a broader conversation with Dr. Mani on sports, leisure, and gendered spaces in India here. Read the entire transcript here!

Locating Masculinities in Sports

Continuing the theme on Sports, we had a conversation with Dr. Muhammad Kavesh, Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Anthropology, University of Toronto, on sporting activities like dog-fighting, cock-fighting, and pigeon-flying in rural Pakistan, and the different understandings of masculinity situated in these sports. Watch the video here!

Call Centres, Aspiration, and Language Politics

Can an accent ever be truly neutral? How does the way we pronounce our P, T, Ks announce our position in the global and local labour chain? We interviewed Dr. Mathangi Krishnamurthy, Associate Professor, Department of Humanities & Social Sciences, IIT Madras, about her research on transnational call centres in India, the politics of accents, working at night, and the double standards regarding the safety of women workers. Read the entire interview here!

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