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Hope & Resistance in Palestine
 In the wake of the genocide carried out by Israel and the systematic erasure of Palestinian people and culture, we invite you to a collective reading & discussion series on Hope & Resistance in Palestine along with Dr. Noura Kamal, anthropologist at the Austrian Academy of Sciences.


 1. Palestinian Humour in the Face of Oppression (Saturday, 23rd November, 4 - 6 pm IST/11.30 - 1.30 pm CET)
We start with an article written by Dr. Kamal on everyday forms of Palestinian humour and jokes as a way of confronting and coping with the Israeli Occupation.

2. Queer Politics in Palestine (Saturday, 30th November, 4 - 6 pm IST/11.30 - 1.30 CET)
We end the month with an article on a queer rights organisation in Palestine, the politics of being queer in Palestine, and deconstructing Israeli pinkwashing.


All proceeds go to the Palestinian American Medical Association, an organisation carrying out emergency medical relief in Gaza. The charges for the series are Rs. 150 (1.6 EUR) per session, Rs. 300 (3.3 EUR) for both. If you can afford to, you can contribute on a sliding scale up to Rs. 800/9 EUR (or more). All contributors will be sent proof of the donation transfer. In case you find yourself in a position where you're unable to pay, do write to us.

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